Undefined Control Sequence. Edef Blx@tempa {93x {fffd}x {fffd}x {fffd}109}

Method used for display options on video text terminals

ANSI X3.64 (ISO 6429)

Output of the system-monitor htop, an ncurses-application (which uses SGR and other ANSI/ISO control sequences).

  • ECMA-48
  • ISO/IEC 6429
  • FIPS 86
  • ANSI X3.64
  • JIS X 0211
Classification ISO/IEC 2022 based control code and control sequence ready
Other related encoding(s) Other control function standards: ITU T.101, JIS X 0207, ISO 6630, DIN 31626, ETS 300 706

ANSI escape sequences are a standard for in-ring signaling to control cursor location, color, font styling, and other options on video text terminals and terminal emulators. Certain sequences of bytes, most starting with an ASCII escape character and a subclass character, are embedded into text. The final interprets these sequences as commands, rather than text to display verbatim.

ANSI sequences were introduced in the 1970s to supplant vendor-specific sequences and became widespread in the computer equipment market by the early 1980s. They are used in development, scientific, commercial text-based applications equally well equally bulletin lath systems to offer standardized functionality.

Although hardware text terminals have get increasingly rare in the 21st century, the relevance of the ANSI standard persists considering a great majority of terminal emulators and control consoles interpret at least a portion of the ANSI standard.

History [edit]

Almost all manufacturers of video terminals added vendor-specific escape sequences to perform operations such as placing the cursor at arbitrary positions on the screen. I example is the VT52 terminal, which allowed the cursor to be placed at an 10,y location on the screen past sending the ESC character, a Y character, then ii characters representing with numerical values equal to the x,y location plus 32 (thus starting at the ASCII space character and avoiding the control characters). The Hazeltine 1500 had a like feature, invoked using ~, DC1 and then the X and Y positions separated with a comma. While the two terminals had identical functionality in this regard, different control sequences had to exist used to invoke them.

As these sequences were dissimilar for different terminals, elaborate libraries such as termcap ("terminal capabilities") and utilities such as tput had to exist created so programs could use the same API to work with any concluding. In addition, many of these terminals required sending numbers (such every bit row and column) as the binary values of the characters; for some programming languages, and for systems that did not utilise ASCII internally, it was ofttimes hard to turn a number into the correct character.

The ANSI standard attempted to address these problems by making a command set up that all terminals would use and requiring all numeric information to be transmitted as ASCII numbers. The commencement standard in the series was ECMA-48, adopted in 1976.[ane] Information technology was a continuation of a series of grapheme coding standards, the beginning ane existence ECMA-vi from 1965, a seven-bit standard from which ISO 646 originates. The name "ANSI escape sequence" dates from 1979 when ANSI adopted ANSI X3.64. The ANSI X3L2 committee collaborated with the ECMA committee TC 1 to produce nearly identical standards. These 2 standards were merged into an international standard, ISO 6429.[ane] In 1994, ANSI withdrew its standard in favor of the international standard.

DEC VT100 terminal

The December VT100 video display terminal.

The beginning popular video terminal to support these sequences was the Digital VT100, introduced in 1978.[2] This model was very successful in the market place, which sparked a variety of VT100 clones, amongst the earliest and most popular of which was the much more than affordable Zenith Z-19 in 1979.[3] Others included the Qume QVT-108, Televideo TVI-970, Wyse WY-99GT besides as optional "VT100" or "VT103" or "ANSI" modes with varying degrees of compatibility on many other brands. The popularity of these gradually led to more than and more software (especially bulletin board systems and other online services) assuming the escape sequences worked, leading to most all new terminals and emulator programs supporting them.

In 1981, ANSI X3.64 was adopted for apply in the US government by FIPS publication 86. Subsequently, the Usa regime stopped duplicating industry standards, and then FIPS pub. 86 was withdrawn.[4]

ECMA-48 has been updated several times and is currently at its 5th edition, from 1991. It is likewise adopted past ISO and IEC every bit standard ISO/IEC 6429.[v] A version is adopted equally a Japanese Industrial Standard, as JIS X 0211.

Related standards include ITU T.61, the Teletex standard, and the ISO/IEC 8613, the Open Document Architecture standard (mainly ISO/IEC 8613-6 or ITU T.416). The two systems share many escape codes with the ANSI system, with extensions that are not necessarily meaningful to computer terminals. Both systems chop-chop fell into disuse, merely ECMA-48 does marker the extensions used in them as reserved.

Platform support [edit]

Unix-like systems [edit]

Xterm terminal emulator

The Xterm terminal emulator.

On these systems the last (or emulator) self-identifies using the $TERM environment variable. A database library such equally termcap or terminfo would perform a lookup to derive the capabilities of the terminal and specific escape sequences to use the capabilities, which may deviate from ANSI in early days.

Although such libraries were primarily developed on and for Unix, past the mid-1980s programs running on Unix-like operating systems could about always assume they were using a terminal or emulator that supported ANSI sequences;[ citation needed ] this led to widespread use of ANSI by programs running on those platforms. For instance, many games and shell scripts, and utilities such as color directory listings, directly write the ANSI sequences and thus cannot be used on a last that does non interpret them. Many programs, including text editors such as vi and GNU Emacs, apply termcap or terminfo, or employ libraries such as curses that use termcap or terminfo, and thus in theory support not-ANSI terminals, but this is so rarely tested nowadays that they are unlikely to work with those terminals.[ commendation needed ]

Terminal emulators for communicating with local programs also every bit remote machines and the text arrangement panel almost always support ANSI escape codes. This includes concluding emulators such as xterm, rxvt, GNOME Terminal, and Konsole on systems with X11-based or Wayland-based window systems, and Last.app and third-party terminal emulators such as iTerm2 on macOS.

CP/1000 [edit]

A 1980s Kaypro II, a CP/Yard-eighty PC. It natively emulated ADM-3A and also supported a concluding mode (being demonstrated).

CP/Thou machines varied and several competing terminals existed, like for printers, each with their own command sequences. Some early systems were headless (needing an external terminal) and personal computers with a native screen typically emulated a terminal. Application developers had to back up diverse popular terminals and to provide an installation program to configure them. Despite the CP/M hardware brainchild layer (BIOS), fifty-fifty for the aforementioned microprocessor, vendors provided platform-specific versions due to the competing deejay formats, that would as well be preconfigured for the native terminal (for example, various machine-specific WordStar adaptations were released).

The headless Altair 8800 was typically connected to a teletype such equally the Model 33 ASR or to an external last similar the TeleVideo 920C, needing to output their respective sequences.[six] The Osborne one and Kaypro II computers natively emulated a subset of the TeleVideo 920C and ADM-3A command codes, respectively.[7] [eight] The TRS-80 Model 4 and the Xerox 820 also emulated the Lear Siegler ADM-3A.[nine] [10] The Zenith Z-89, Heathkit H8 and Amstrad PCW CP/Grand-80 computers implemented the Zenith Z19 (Heathkit H19) concluding codes, mostly compatible with VT52, the Z-89 manual also describes it every bit supporting ANSI.[xi] [12]

The Microsoft Z-fourscore SoftCard for the Apple tree Two emulated a limited subset of the Videx Videoterm, corresponding to the Datamedia 1520 sequences that the UCSD-based Apple Pascal supported. Its CP/M had the CONFIGIO control to adapt external terminals or run local applications that issued other control codes. Supported external terminals were the Soroc IQ 120/140 and Hazeltine 1500/1510.[xiii] [14]

DOS, Bone/2, and Windows [edit]

MS-DOS 1.x did non support the ANSI or any other escape sequences. Only a few control characters (BEL, CR, LF, BS) were interpreted by the underlying BIOS, making information technology near[a] impossible to do any kind of full-screen awarding. Any display effects had to be washed with BIOS calls, which were notoriously slow, or by directly manipulating the IBM PC hardware.

DOS 2.0 introduced the ability to add a device commuter for the ANSI escape sequences – the de facto standard being ANSI.SYS, but others like ANSI.COM,[15] NANSI.SYS [16] and ANSIPLUS.EXE are used every bit well (these are considerably faster as they bypass the BIOS). Slowness and the fact that it was not installed past default made software rarely take advantage of information technology; instead, applications continued to directly dispense the hardware to get the text brandish needed.[ commendation needed ] ANSI.SYS and similar drivers continued to work in Windows 9x upward to Windows Me, and in NT-derived systems for 16-scrap legacy programs executing nether the NTVDM.

Many clones of DOS were able to interpret the sequences and do not require a separate ANSI driver to exist loaded. PTS-DOS[17] [18] as well as Concurrent DOS, Multiuser DOS[19] and REAL/32 have built-in support (plus a number of extensions). Os/2 had an ANSI control that enabled the sequences.

The Windows Console did not support ANSI escape sequences, nor did Microsoft provide any method to enable them. Some replacements or additions for the console window such as JP Software'south TCC (formerly 4NT), Michael J. Mefford's ANSI.COM, Jason Hood'due south ANSICON [20] and Maximus5's ConEmu interpreted ANSI escape sequences printed past programs. A Python package named colorama [21] internally interpretes ANSI escape sequences in text being printed, translating them to win32 calls to modify the land of the terminal, to make information technology easier to port Python lawmaking using ANSI to Windows. Cygwin performs similar translation to all output written to the console using Cygwin file descriptors, the filtering is done by the output functions of cygwin1.dll, to allow porting of POSIX C code to Windows.

In 2016, Microsoft released the Windows 10 version 1511 update which unexpectedly implemented support for ANSI escape sequences, over two decades after the debut of Windows NT.[22] This was done alongside Windows Subsystem for Linux, allowing Unix-like terminal-based software to apply the sequences in Windows Console. Unfortunately this defaults to off, but Windows PowerShell 5.1 enabled information technology. PowerShell 6 made it possible to embed the necessary ESC grapheme into a cord with `e.[23] Windows Terminal, introduced in 2019, supports the sequences by default, and Microsoft intends to replace the Windows Console with Windows Terminal.[24]

Atari ST [edit]

The Atari ST used the command system adapted from the VT52 with some expansions for colour support,[25] rather than supporting ANSI escape codes.

AmigaOS [edit]

AmigaOS non only interprets ANSI code sequences for text output to the screen, the AmigaOS printer driver also interprets them (with extensions proprietary to AmigaOS) and translates them into the codes required for the particular printer that is really attached.[26]

Amiga CLI (shell) window style command ssequences[ commendation needed ]
ESC [ n u Sets maximum length of lines in window to n.
ESC [ n t Sets maximum number of lines in window to n.
ESC [ n 10 Starts text northward pixels from left edge of window.
ESC [ n y Starts text northward pixels from superlative edge of window.

VMS / OpenVMS [edit]

VMS was designed to be controlled using Digital's text-based video terminals such as the aforementioned VT100; thus software tends to write the ANSI escape sequences direct (and will not work on non-ANSI terminals).[27] [ failed verification ]

Description [edit]

C0 control codes [edit]

Almost all users assume some functions of some single-byte characters. Initially defined as part of ASCII, the default C0 command lawmaking set is now defined in ISO 6429 (ECMA-48), making it office of the same standard equally the C1 set invoked by the ANSI escape sequences (although ISO 2022 allows the ISO 6429 C0 set to be used without the ISO 6429 C1 set, and vice versa, provided that 0x1B is always ESC). This is used to shorten the corporeality of information transmitted, or to perform some functions that are unavailable from escape sequences:

Popular C0 command codes (non an exhaustive list)
^ C0 Abbr Name Result
^G 7 BEL Bong Makes an audible racket.
^H 8 BS Backspace Moves the cursor left (merely may "backwards wrap" if cursor is at start of line).
^I ix HT Tab Moves the cursor right to next multiple of 8.
^J 0x0A LF Line Feed Moves to side by side line, scrolls the display up if at lesser of the screen. Commonly does not motion horizontally, though programs should non rely on this.
^L 0x0C FF Grade Feed Move a printer to top of next page. Usually does not move horizontally, though programs should not rely on this. Effect on video terminals varies.
^Grand 0x0D CR Carriage Return Moves the cursor to cavalcade zero.
^[ 0x1B ESC Escape Starts all the escape sequences

Escape sequences vary in length. The general format for an ANSI-compliant escape sequence is defined by ANSI X3.41 (equivalent to ECMA-35 or ISO/IEC 2022).[28] : 13.1 The escape sequences consist simply of bytes in the range 0x20—0x7F (all the non-command ASCII characters), and can be parsed without looking alee. The beliefs when a control graphic symbol, a byte with the high bit set up, or a byte that is not part of any valid sequence, is encountered before the terminate is undefined.

Fe Escape sequences [edit]

If the ESC is followed by a byte in the range 0x40 to 0x5F, the escape sequence is of type Fe. Its interpretation is delegated to the applicable C1 control lawmaking standard.[28] : 13.two.1 Accordingly, all escape sequences corresponding to C1 control codes from ANSI X3.64 / ECMA-48 follow this format.[5] : 5.3.a

The standard says that, in eight-bit environments, the command functions corresponding to blazon Fe escape sequences (those from the set of C1 command codes) tin can exist represented every bit single bytes in the 0x80–0x9F range.[five] : 5.three.b This is possible in character encodings conforming to the provisions for an viii-bit code made in ISO 2022, such as the ISO 8859 serial. Nonetheless, in graphic symbol encodings used on modern devices such as UTF-8 or CP-1252, those codes are oftentimes used for other purposes, so merely the two-byte sequence is typically used. In the instance of UTF-viii, representing a C1 command code via the C1 Controls and Latin-i Supplement block results in a different two-byte lawmaking (due east.g. 0xC2,0x8E for U+008E), but no space is saved this fashion.

Some type Fe (C1 set element) ANSI escape sequences (not an exhaustive list)
Lawmaking C1 Abbr Proper name Effect
ESC N 0x8E SS2 Single Shift Two Select a single character from i of the alternative grapheme sets. SS2 selects the G2 grapheme gear up, and SS3 selects the G3 grapheme set.[29] In a 7-bit environment, this is followed by one or more GL bytes (0x20–0x7F) specifying a character from that set.[28] : nine.iv In an 8-scrap surroundings, these may instead be GR bytes (0xA0–0xFF).[28] : viii.iv
ESC O 0x8F SS3 Unmarried Shift Three
ESC P 0x90 DCS Device Command String Terminated by ST.[five] : 5.half-dozen Xterm's uses of this sequence include defining User-Defined Keys, and requesting or setting Termcap/Terminfo data.[29]
ESC [ 0x9B CSI Control Sequence Introducer Starts most of the useful sequences, terminated by a byte in the range 0x40 through 0x7E.[5] : 5.4
ESC \ 0x9C ST String Terminator Terminates strings in other controls.[v] : eight.three.143
ESC ] 0x9D OSC Operating System Command Starts a command string for the operating organisation to employ, terminated by ST.[v] : 8.3.89
ESC X 0x98 SOS Offset of String Takes an argument of a string of text, terminated by ST.[5] : five.six The uses for these string control sequences are defined past the application[v] : eight.3.2, 8.iii.128 or privacy discipline.[five] : 8.three.94 These functions are rarely implemented and the arguments are ignored by xterm.[29] Some Kermit clients permit the server to automatically execute Kermit commands on the client by embedding them in APC sequences; this is a potential security take a chance if the server is untrusted.[30]
ESC ^ 0x9E PM Privacy Message
ESC _ 0x9F APC Awarding Plan Control

CSI (Command Sequence Introducer) sequences [edit]

For Command Sequence Introducer, or CSI, commands, the ESC [ is followed by any number (including none) of "parameter bytes" in the range 0x30–0x3F (ASCII 0–nine:;<=>?), then past any number of "intermediate bytes" in the range 0x20–0x2F (ASCII space and !"#$%&'()*+,-./), then finally past a single "final byte" in the range 0x40–0x7E (ASCII @A–Z[\]^_`a–z{|}~).[5] : 5.4

All common sequences but use the parameters equally a series of semicolon-separated numbers such as 1;two;3. Missing numbers are treated as 0 (i;;three acts like the middle number is 0, and no parameters at all in ESC[chiliad acts like a 0 reset code). Some sequences (such as CUU) care for 0 every bit 1 in order to brand missing parameters useful.[5] : F.4.2

A subset of arrangements was alleged "private" so that terminal manufacturers could insert their own sequences without conflicting with the standard. Sequences containing the parameter bytes <=>? or the final bytes 0x70–0x7E (p–z{|}~) are individual.

The beliefs of the final is undefined in the case where a CSI sequence contains any graphic symbol outside of the range 0x20–0x7E. These illegal characters are either C0 control characters (the range 0–0x1F), DEL (0x7F), or bytes with the high bit set. Possible responses are to ignore the byte, to process it immediately, and furthermore whether to go along with the CSI sequence, to arrest information technology immediately, or to ignore the rest of it.[ citation needed ]

Some ANSI control sequences (not an exhaustive listing)
Code Abbr Name Effect
CSI n A CUU Cursor Up Moves the cursor n (default 1) cells in the given management. If the cursor is already at the edge of the screen, this has no effect.
CSI due north B CUD Cursor Down
CSI n C CUF Cursor Forward
CSI due north D CUB Cursor Back
CSI n E CNL Cursor Next Line Moves cursor to kickoff of the line north (default 1) lines down. (not ANSI.SYS)
CSI northward F CPL Cursor Previous Line Moves cursor to get-go of the line due north (default 1) lines up. (not ANSI.SYS)
CSI northward One thousand CHA Cursor Horizontal Accented Moves the cursor to column n (default ane). (not ANSI.SYS)
CSInorthward ;m H Loving cup Cursor Position Moves the cursor to row northward, column chiliad. The values are 1-based, and default to one (pinnacle left corner) if omitted. A sequence such every bit CSI ;5H is a synonym for CSI 1;5H besides as CSI 17;H is the same as CSI 17H and CSI 17;1H
CSI northward J ED Erase in Display Clears office of the screen. If n is 0 (or missing), articulate from cursor to end of screen. If n is 1, clear from cursor to outset of the screen. If n is ii, articulate unabridged screen (and moves cursor to upper left on DOS ANSI.SYS). If n is 3, clear entire screen and delete all lines saved in the scrollback buffer (this feature was added for xterm and is supported by other final applications).
CSI n Chiliad EL Erase in Line Erases part of the line. If n is 0 (or missing), clear from cursor to the terminate of the line. If n is 1, articulate from cursor to outset of the line. If north is ii, articulate entire line. Cursor position does not modify.
CSI n South SU Gyre Upwards Curl whole page up by due north (default 1) lines. New lines are added at the bottom. (not ANSI.SYS)
CSI due north T SD Scroll Down Scroll whole page down past due north (default 1) lines. New lines are added at the pinnacle. (not ANSI.SYS)
CSI n ; m f HVP Horizontal Vertical Position Same as CUP, only counts as a format effector office (like CR or LF) rather than an editor office (similar CUD or CNL). This can lead to different handling in certain last modes.[5] : Addendum A
CSI n grand SGR Select Graphic Rendition Sets colors and style of the characters following this code
CSI 5i AUX Port On Enable aux serial port normally for local serial printer
CSI 4i AUX Port Off Disable aux serial port unremarkably for local serial printer
CSI 6n DSR Device Status Written report Reports the cursor position (CPR) by transmitting ESC[due north;mR, where due north is the row and m is the column.)
Some popular private sequences
Code Abbr Proper name Effect
CSI s SCP, SCOSC Save Electric current Cursor Position Saves the cursor position/state in SCO console mode.[31] In vertical divide screen mode, instead used to set (as CSI n ; n due south) or reset left and right margins.[32]
CSI u RCP, SCORC Restore Saved Cursor Position Restores the cursor position/state in SCO console style.[33]
CSI ? 25 h DECTCEM Shows the cursor, from the VT220.
CSI ? 25 l DECTCEM Hides the cursor.
CSI ? 1049 h Enable alternative screen buffer, from xterm
CSI ? 1049 l Disable alternative screen buffer, from xterm
CSI ? 2004 h Turn on bracketed paste mode.[34] In bracketed paste fashion, text pasted into the final will be surrounded past ESC [200~ and ESC [201~; programs running in the last should not care for characters bracketed by those sequences as commands (Vim, for case, does not treat them as commands).[35] From xterm[36]
CSI ? 2004 l Turn off bracketed paste mode.

SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) parameters [edit]

The control sequence CSI northward m, named Select Graphic Rendition (SGR), sets display attributes. Several attributes can be set in the aforementioned sequence, separated by semicolons.[37] Each display attribute remains in outcome until a following occurrence of SGR resets it.[5] If no codes are given, CSI 1000 is treated every bit CSI 0 m (reset / normal).

n Name Note
0 Reset or normal All attributes off
ane Bold or increased intensity As with faint, the color change is a PC (SCO / CGA) invention.[38] [ better source needed ]
ii Faint, decreased intensity, or dim May exist implemented as a calorie-free font weight similar bold.[39]
3 Italic Not widely supported. Sometimes treated as changed or glimmer.[38]
iv Underline Manner extensions be for Kitty, VTE, mintty and iTerm2.[40] [41]
five Slow glimmer Sets blinking to less than 150 times per minute
6 Rapid blink MS-DOS ANSI.SYS, 150+ per minute; not widely supported
seven Reverse video or invert Swap foreground and background colors; inconsistent emulation[42]
viii Conceal or hide Not widely supported.
9 Crossed-out, or strike Characters legible just marked as if for deletion. Non supported in Terminal.app
10 Primary (default) font
11–19 Culling font Select culling font n − x
20 Fraktur (Gothic) Rarely supported
21 Doubly underlined; or: not bold Double-underline per ECMA-48,[v] : viii.iii.117 just instead disables bold intensity on several terminals, including in the Linux kernel'due south console before version 4.17.[43]
22 Normal intensity Neither bold nor faint; color changes where intensity is implemented as such.
23 Neither italic, nor blackletter
24 Not underlined Neither singly nor doubly underlined
25 Not blinking Plow blinking off
26 Proportional spacing ITU T.61 and T.416, non known to be used on terminals
27 Not reversed
28 Reveal Not concealed
29 Not crossed out
30–37 Set foreground color
38 Set foreground color Adjacent arguments are v;n or 2;r;1000;b
39 Default foreground color Implementation defined (according to standard)
twoscore–47 Fix groundwork colour
48 Set background color Adjacent arguments are 5;n or 2;r;yard;b
49 Default groundwork colour Implementation defined (according to standard)
l Disable proportional spacing T.61 and T.416
51 Framed Implemented equally "emoji variation selector" in mintty.[44]
52 Encircled
53 Overlined Non supported in Concluding.app
54 Neither framed nor encircled
55 Non overlined
58 Set underline color Not in standard; implemented in Kitty, VTE, mintty, and iTerm2.[40] [41] Next arguments are v;due north or 2;r;grand;b.
59 Default underline color Not in standard; implemented in Kitty, VTE, mintty, and iTerm2.[40] [41]
60 Ideogram underline or correct side line Rarely supported
61 Ideogram double underline, or double line on the right side
62 Ideogram overline or left side line
63 Ideogram double overline, or double line on the left side
64 Ideogram stress marking
65 No ideogram attributes Reset the effects of all of threescore64
73 Superscript Implemented merely in mintty[44]
74 Subscript
75 Neither superscript nor subscript
90–97 Set brilliant foreground color Not in standard; originally implemented past aixterm[29]
100–107 Set up bright groundwork color

Colors [edit]

3-scrap and 4-bit [edit]

The original specification but had 8 colors, and just gave them names. The SGR parameters 30–37 selected the foreground color, while 40–47 selected the background. Quite a few terminals implemented "bold" (SGR code i) every bit a brighter color rather than a unlike font, thus providing 8 additional foreground colors. Usually you could non get these as groundwork colors, though sometimes changed video (SGR code 7) would allow that. Examples: to get black letters on white background use ESC[thirty;47m, to become crimson use ESC[31m, to get brilliant red use ESC[1;31m. To reset colors to their defaults, utilise ESC[39;49m (not supported on some terminals), or reset all attributes with ESC[0m. Later terminals added the ability to straight specify the "bright" colors with 90–97 and 100–107.

When hardware started using 8-fleck digital-to-analog converters (DACs) several pieces of software assigned 24-bit color numbers to these names. The chart below shows the default values sent to the DAC for some common hardware and software; in nearly cases they are configurable.[ citation needed ]

FG BG Name VGA[b] Windows XP
Visual Studio Code[due east] Windows x
Terminal.app PuTTY mIRC xterm Ubuntu[chiliad] Eclipse Terminal
xxx 40 Black 0, 0, 0 12, 12, 12 0, 0, 0 1, ane, 1 0, 0, 0
31 41 Reddish 170, 0, 0 128, 0, 0 205, 49, 49 197, 15, 31 194, 54, 33 187, 0, 0 127, 0, 0 205, 0, 0 222, 56, 43 205, 0, 0
32 42 Greenish 0, 170, 0 0, 128, 0 13, 188, 121 19, 161, 14 37, 188, 36 0, 187, 0 0, 147, 0 0, 205, 0 57, 181, 74 0, 205, 0
33 43 Yellowish 170, 85, 0[h] 128, 128, 0 238, 237, 240 229, 229, 16 193, 156, 0 173, 173, 39 187, 187, 0 252, 127, 0 205, 205, 0 255, 199, six 205, 205, 0
34 44 Blue 0, 0, 170 0, 0, 128 36, 114, 200 0, 55, 218 73, 46, 225 0, 0, 187 0, 0, 127 0, 0, 238[45] 0, 111, 184 0, 0, 238
35 45 Magenta 170, 0, 170 128, 0, 128 1, 36, 86 188, 63, 188 136, 23, 152 211, 56, 211 187, 0, 187 156, 0, 156 205, 0, 205 118, 38, 113 205, 0, 205
36 46 Cyan 0, 170, 170 0, 128, 128 17, 168, 205 58, 150, 221 51, 187, 200 0, 187, 187 0, 147, 147 0, 205, 205 44, 181, 233 205, 0, 205
37 47 White 170, 170, 170 192, 192, 192 229, 229, 229 204, 204, 204 203, 204, 205 187, 187, 187 210, 210, 210 229, 229, 229 204, 204, 204 229, 229, 229
ninety 100 Bright Black (Grayness) 85, 85, 85 128, 128, 128 102, 102, 102 118, 118, 118 129, 131, 131 85, 85, 85 127, 127, 127 127, 127, 127 128, 128, 128 0, 0, 0
91 101 Bright Red 255, 85, 85 255, 0, 0 241, 76, 76 231, 72, 86 252, 57, 31 255, 85, 85 255, 0, 0
92 102 Bright Light-green 85, 255, 85 0, 255, 0 35, 209, 139 22, 198, 12 49, 231, 34 85, 255, 85 0, 252, 0 0, 255, 0
93 103 Brilliant Yellowish 255, 255, 85 255, 255, 0 245, 245, 67 249, 241, 165 234, 236, 35 255, 255, 85 255, 255, 0
94 104 Brilliant Blue 85, 85, 255 0, 0, 255 59, 142, 234 59, 120, 255 88, 51, 255 85, 85, 255 0, 0, 252 92, 92, 255[46] 0, 0, 255 92, 92, 255
95 105 Bright Magenta 255, 85, 255 255, 0, 255 214, 112, 214 180, 0, 158 249, 53, 248 255, 85, 255 255, 0, 255
96 106 Bright Cyan 85, 255, 255 0, 255, 255 41, 184, 219 97, 214, 214 20, 240, 240 85, 255, 255 0, 255, 255
97 107 Bright White 255, 255, 255 229, 229, 229 242, 242, 242 233, 235, 235 255, 255, 255
8-bit [edit]

As 256-colour lookup tables became common on graphic cards, escape sequences were added to select from a pre-defined set of 256 colors:[ citation needed ]

ESC[38;5;⟨n⟩m Select foreground color ESC[48;5;⟨northward⟩yard Select background color   0-  7:  standard colors (as in ESC [ thirty–37 m)   8- fifteen:  loftier intensity colors (equally in ESC [ xc–97 m)  16-231:  half-dozen × 6 × 6 cube (216 colors): sixteen + 36 × r + half-dozen × thou + b (0 ≤ r, g, b ≤ 5) 232-255:  grayscale from blackness to white in 24 steps        

The ITU's T.416 It - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Character content architectures[47] uses ':' as separator characters instead:

ESC[38:5:⟨n⟩m Select foreground color      where n is a number from the table below ESC[48:v:⟨north⟩grand Select background color        
256-color mode — foreground: ESC[38;5;#m   groundwork: ESC[48;v;#yard
Standard colors High-intensity colors
 0  1  two  three  iv  5  6  7  eight  nine ten xi 12 13 14 15
216 colors
sixteen 17 18 nineteen 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 sixty 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 fourscore 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
88 89 ninety 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231
Grayscale colors
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255

There has also been a similar merely incompatible 88-colour encoding using the same escape sequence, seen in rxvt and xterm-88color. Not much is known nearly the scheme besides the colour codes. It uses a 4×iv×iv colour cube.

24-bit [edit]

Every bit "true color" graphic cards with 16 to 24 $.25 of color became common, applications began to support 24-bit colors. Terminal emulators supporting setting 24-chip foreground and groundwork colors with escape sequences include Xterm,[29] KDE'south Konsole,[48] [49] and iTerm, as well equally all libvte based terminals,[l] including GNOME Terminal.[ citation needed ]

ESC[ 38;ii;⟨r⟩;⟨k⟩;⟨b⟩ thousand Select RGB foreground colour ESC[ 48;ii;⟨r⟩;⟨m⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB groundwork color        

The syntax is probable based on the ITU'southward T.416 Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Character content architectures,[47] which was adopted as ISO/IEC 8613-6 merely ended upwardly equally a commercial failure.[ citation needed ] The ODA version is more elaborate and thus incompatible:

  • The parameters later the '2', i.e. even the r,thou,b are optional.
  • Semicolons are replaced past colons, every bit in a higher place.
  • There is a leading "colorspace ID".[29] The definition of the colorspace ID is not included in that document and then it may exist blank to correspond the unspecified default.
  • In add-on to the '2' value afterwards 48 to specify a Cherry-Green-Blue format (and the 'v' above for a 0-255 indexed color), in that location are alternatives of '0' for implementation divers and '1' for transparent - neither of which accept whatsoever further parameters; '3' specifies colors using a Cyan-Magenta-Yellowish scheme, and 'iv' for a Cyan-Magenta-Yellowish-Blackness one, the latter using the position marked as "unused" for the Black component:[47]
ESC[ 38:2:⟨Color-Space-ID⟩:⟨r⟩:⟨g⟩:⟨b⟩:⟨unused⟩:⟨CS tolerance⟩:⟨Color-Space associated with tolerance: 0 for "CIELUV"; 1 for "CIELAB"⟩ m Select RGB foreground color ESC[ 48:two:⟨Color-Space-ID⟩:⟨r⟩:⟨chiliad⟩:⟨b⟩:⟨unused⟩:⟨CS tolerance⟩:⟨Color-Infinite associated with tolerance: 0 for "CIELUV"; i for "CIELAB"⟩ chiliad Select RGB background color        

The ITU-RGB variation is supported past xterm, with the colorspace ID and tolerance parameters ignored. The simpler scheme using semicolons is initially found in Konsole.[29] : Tin I set up a color by its number?

Unix environment variables relating to colour back up [edit]

Earlier termcap and terminfo could indicate support for colors, the Due south-Lang library used $COLORTERM to indicate whether a terminal emulator could use colors at all (after reinterpreted as 256-colors)[51] and whether it supports 24-bit color.[52] [53] This organization, although poorly documented, became widespread enough for Fedora and RHEL to consider using it equally a simpler and more than universal detection machinery compared to querying the now-updated libraries.[54] Even so, gnome-concluding 3.14 dropped this variable every bit its authors considered it incorrect and no longer necessary.[51]

Some final emulators (urxvt, konsole) set $COLORFGBG to report the color scheme of the terminal (mainly light vs. nighttime background). This behavior originated in S-Lang[53] and is used by vim. Again, gnome-terminal refuses to add together this behavior, as the more "proper" xterm OSC 4/10/11 sequences already be.[55]

OSC (Operating System Command) sequences [edit]

About Operating System Control sequences were defined past Xterm, merely many are besides supported past other terminal emulators. For historical reasons, Xterm tin can stop the control with BEL likewise every bit the standard ST.[29] For example, Xterm allows the window championship to be set up by ESC ]0;this is the window championship BEL.

A non-xterm extension is the hyperlink, ESC ]8;;link ST from 2017, used by VTE,[56] [discuss] iTerm2,[56] and mintty.[57]

The Linux console uses ESC ] P n rr gg bb to change the palette, which, if difficult-coded into an awarding, may hang other terminals.[58] However, appending ST volition be ignored by Linux and form a proper, ignorable sequence for other terminals.[ commendation needed ]

Fs Escape sequences [edit]

If the ESC is followed past a byte in the range 0x60—0x7E, the escape sequence is of type Fs. This blazon is used for control functions individually registered with the ISO-IR registry[59] and, consequently, bachelor even in contexts where a different C1 command code set up is used. Specifically, they stand for to single control functions approved past ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 and standardized by ISO or an ISO-recognised torso.[28] : 6.5.1 Some of these are specified in ECMA-35 (ISO 2022 / ANSI X3.41), others in ECMA-48 (ISO 6429 / ANSI X3.64).[28] : 6.5.four ECMA-48 refers to these as "independent control functions".[5] : 5.5

Some type Fs (independent function) ANSI escape sequences recognised by terminals (not an exhaustive list)
Abbr Proper name Effect
ESC c RIS Reset to Initial State Triggers a total reset of the final to its original state.[29] This may include (if applicable): reset graphic rendition, clear tabulation stops, reset to default font, and more than.[60]

Fp Escape sequences [edit]

If the ESC is followed by a byte in the range 0x30—0x3F, the escape sequence is of type Fp, which is prepare apart for up to 16 private-use command functions.[28] : 6.5.3

Some type Fp (private-utilize) escape sequences recognised by the VT100, its successors, and/or terminal emulators such as xterm
Abbr Name Outcome
ESC 7 DECSC December Save Cursor Saves the cursor position, encoding shift land and formatting attributes.[61] [29]
ESC 8 DECRC DEC Restore Cursor Restores the cursor position, encoding shift state and formatting attributes from the previous DECSC if any, otherwise resets these all to their defaults.[61] [29]

nF Escape sequences [edit]

If the ESC is followed by a byte in the range 0x20—0x2F, the escape sequence is of type nF. Said byte is followed by whatsoever number of additional bytes in this range, so a byte in the range 0x30-0x7E. These escape sequences are farther subcategorised past the low iv bits of the start byte, e.g. "type 2F" for sequences where the commencement byte is 0x22; and past whether the final byte is in the range 0x30—0x3F indicating private use (due east.g. "type 2Fp") or not (east.m. "blazon 2Ft").[28] : thirteen.two.one

Escape sequences of this type are mostly used for ANSI/ISO code-switching mechanisms such equally those used by ISO-2022-JP, except for blazon 3F sequences (those where the get-go intermediate byte is 0x23), which are used for individual control functions. Blazon 3Ft sequences are reserved for boosted ISO-IR registered individual control functions,[28] : 6.five.ii while type 3Fp sequences are available for private-use command functions.[28] : six.v.3 Different type Fs sequences, no type 3Ft sequences are presently registered.[59]

Some type 0Ft (announcement) ANSI escape sequences recognised by terminals
Abbr Proper noun Outcome
  • ACS6
  • S7C1T
  • Announce Code Structure six
  • Send 7-bit C1 Control Character to the Host
Defined in ECMA-35 (ANSI X3.41 / ISO 2022).[28] : 15.ii Makes the function keys transport ESC + letter instead of 8-fleck C1 codes.[29]
  • ACS7
  • S8C1T
  • Announce Code Structure 7
  • Send 8-bit C1 Command Character to the Host
Divers in ECMA-35.[28] : 15.2 Makes the part keys transport 8-bit C1 codes.[29]
Some blazon 3Fp (individual-utilize) escape sequences recognised by the VT100, its successors, and/or terminal emulators such equally xterm
Abbr Name Effect
ESC # 3 DECDHL DEC Double-Pinnacle Letters, Acme Half Makes the current line use characters twice as tall. This code is for the top half.[62]
ESC # 4 DECDHL Dec Double-Peak Letters, Bottom Half Makes the current line employ characters twice every bit tall. This code is for the bottom half.[62]
ESC # five DECSWL DEC Single-Width Line Makes the current line utilize unmarried-width characters, per the default behaviour.[63] [29]
ESC # 6 DECDWL December Double-Width Line Makes the current line utilise double-width characters, discarding whatsoever characters in the second half of the line.[64] [29]

Examples [edit]

CSI 2 J — This clears the screen and, on some devices, locates the cursor to the y,10 position ane,ane (upper left corner).

CSI 32 1000 — This makes text green. The green may be a dark, dull green, then you may wish to enable Bold with the sequence CSI 1 g which would go far bright green, or combined as CSI 32 ; 1 m. Some implementations apply the Assuming country to make the character Bright.

CSI 0 ; 6 8 ; "DIR" ; 13 p — This reassigns the key F10 to transport to the keyboard buffer the cord "DIR" and ENTER, which in the DOS command line would brandish the contents of the current directory. (MS-DOS ANSI.SYS only) This was sometimes used for ANSI bombs. This is a private-utilise code (as indicated by the letter p), using a non-standard extension to include a cord-valued parameter. Following the letter of the standard would consider the sequence to end at the letter of the alphabet D.

CSI s — This saves the cursor position. Using the sequence CSI u will restore it to the position. Say the current cursor position is 7(y) and x(10). The sequence CSI s volition relieve those two numbers. Now y'all can motility to a unlike cursor position, such as xx(y) and 3(x), using the sequence CSI 20 ; iii H or CSI xx ; three f. Now if y'all use the sequence CSI u the cursor position will return to seven(y) and x(ten). Some terminals require the DEC sequences ESC 7 / ESC viii instead which is more widely supported.

In shell scripting [edit]

ANSI escape codes are oftentimes used in UNIX and UNIX-similar terminals to provide syntax highlighting. For example, on compatible terminals, the following list control color-codes file and directory names by blazon.

ls --color

Users tin employ escape codes in their scripts past including them equally part of standard output or standard error. For example, the following GNU sed command embellishes the output of the make command past displaying lines containing words starting with "WARN" in reverse video and words starting with "ERR" in bright yellow on a dark red background (letter case is ignored). The representations of the codes are highlighted.[65]

          make 2>&1 | sed -east 'due south/.*\bWARN.*/\x1b[7m&\x1b[0m/i' -e 's/.*\bERR.*/\x1b[93;41m&\x1b[0m/i'        

The following Bash function flashes the terminal (past alternately sending opposite and normal video fashion codes) until the user presses a key.[66]

          flasher () { while truthful; do printf            \\eastward[?5h; sleep 0.1; printf            \\e[?5l; read -south -n1 -t1 && suspension; done; }        

This can exist used to alert a programmer when a lengthy control terminates, such as with make ; flasher .[67]

printf \\033c        

This will reset the console, similar to the command reset on modern Linux systems; however it should piece of work even on older Linux systems and on other (non-Linux) UNIX variants.

In C [edit]

Output of example program on Gnome Terminal

                                    #include                                    <stdio.h>                                                int                                    main            (            void            )                                    {                                                            int                                    i            ,                                    j            ,                                    due north            ;                                                                        for                                    (            i                                    =                                    0            ;                                    i                                    <                                    11            ;                                    i            ++            )                                    {                                                            for                                    (            j                                    =                                    0            ;                                    j                                    <                                    ten            ;                                    j            ++            )                                    {                                                            n                                    =                                    10                                    *                                    i                                    +                                    j            ;                                                            if                                    (            north                                    >                                    107            )                                    break            ;                                                            printf            (            "            \033            [%dm %3d            \033            [m"            ,                                    n            ,                                    due north            );                                                            }                                                            printf            (            "            \n            "            );                                                            }                                                            return                                    0            ;                                    }                      

Final input sequences [edit]

Pressing special keys on the keyboard, equally well as outputting many xterm CSI, DCS, or OSC sequences, often produces a CSI, DCS, or OSC sequence, sent from the final to the computer equally though the user typed it.

When typing input on a terminal keypresses outside the normal main alphanumeric keyboard area can be sent to the host as ANSI sequences. For keys that have an equivalent output role, such as the cursor keys, these often mirror the output sequences. However, for most keypresses there isn't an equivalent output sequence to use.

There are several encoding schemes, and unfortunately well-nigh terminals mix sequences from unlike schemes, so host software has to be able to bargain with input sequences using whatever scheme. To complicate the matter, the VT terminals themselves have two schemes of input, normal mode and application mode that tin can be switched by the application.

(draft department)

<char>                                         -> char <esc> <nochar>                                 -> esc <esc> <esc>                                    -> esc <esc> <char>                                   -> Alt-keypress or keycode sequence <esc> '[' <nochar>                             -> Alt-[ <esc> '[' (<modifier>) <char>                  -> keycode sequence, <modifier> is a decimal number and defaults to ane (xterm) <esc> '[' (<keycode>) (';'<modifier>) '~'      -> keycode sequence, <keycode> and <modifier> are decimal numbers and default to one (vt)        

If the terminating character is '~', the first number must exist present and is a keycode number, the 2d number is an optional modifier value. If the terminating graphic symbol is a letter, the letter is the keycode value, and the optional number is the modifier value.

The modifier value defaults to 1, and after subtracting 1 is a bitmap of modifier keys being pressed: Meta-Ctrl-Alt-Shift. Then, for example, <esc>[4;2~ is Shift-End, <esc>[20~ is function cardinal 9, <esc>[5C is Ctrl-Right.

In other words, the modifier is the sum of the following numbers:

Key pressed Number Comment
ane ever added, the rest are optional
Shift one
(Left) Alt two
Control 4
Meta 8
vt sequences: <esc>[i~    - Dwelling house        <esc>[16~   -             <esc>[31~   - F17 <esc>[two~    - Insert      <esc>[17~   - F6          <esc>[32~   - F18 <esc>[three~    - Delete      <esc>[18~   - F7          <esc>[33~   - F19 <esc>[4~    - End         <esc>[19~   - F8          <esc>[34~   - F20 <esc>[5~    - PgUp        <esc>[twenty~   - F9          <esc>[35~   -  <esc>[vi~    - PgDn        <esc>[21~   - F10          <esc>[7~    - Home        <esc>[22~   -              <esc>[viii~    - End         <esc>[23~   - F11          <esc>[9~    -             <esc>[24~   - F12          <esc>[x~   - F0          <esc>[25~   - F13          <esc>[eleven~   - F1          <esc>[26~   - F14          <esc>[12~   - F2          <esc>[27~   -              <esc>[13~   - F3          <esc>[28~   - F15          <esc>[fourteen~   - F4          <esc>[29~   - F16          <esc>[15~   - F5          <esc>[30~   -  xterm sequences: <esc>[A     - Up          <esc>[K     -             <esc>[U     - <esc>[B     - Down        <esc>[Fifty     -             <esc>[V     - <esc>[C     - Correct       <esc>[Grand     -             <esc>[W     - <esc>[D     - Left        <esc>[N     -             <esc>[10     - <esc>[E     -             <esc>[O     -             <esc>[Y     - <esc>[F     - End         <esc>[1P    - F1          <esc>[Z     - <esc>[G     - Keypad 5    <esc>[1Q    - F2        <esc>[H     - Home        <esc>[1R    - F3        <esc>[I     -             <esc>[1S    - F4        <esc>[J     -             <esc>[T     -        

<esc>[A to <esc>[D are the same as the ANSI output sequences. The <modifier> is commonly omitted if no modifier keys are pressed, only most implementations e'er emit the <modifier> for F1-F4. (typhoon section)

Xterm has a comprehensive documentation folio on the various function-primal and mouse input sequence schemes from DEC's VT terminals and various other terminals it emulates.[29] Thomas Dickey has added a lot of back up to it over time;[68] he also maintains a listing of default keys used by other final emulators for comparison.[69]

  • On the Linux panel, sure function keys generate sequences of the form CSI [ char . The CSI sequence should terminate on the [.
  • Old versions of Terminator generate SS3 1; modifiers char when F1–F4 are pressed with modifiers. The faulty behavior was copied from GNOME Final.[ citation needed ]
  • xterm replies CSI row ; cavalcade R if asked for cursor position and CSI ane ; modifiers R if the F3 key is pressed with modifiers, which collide in the instance of row == i. This can exist avoided by using the ? private modifier every bit CSI ? 6 n, which will exist reflected in the response as CSI ? row ; column R.
  • many terminals prepend ESC to whatever character that is typed with the alt key downward. This creates ambivalence for upper-case letter messages and symbols @[\]^_, which would form C1 codes.[ clarification needed ]
  • Konsole generates SS3 modifiers char when F1–F4 are pressed with modifiers.[ description needed ]

See also [edit]

  • ANSI art
  • Control character
  • Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator (AVATAR)
  • ISO/IEC JTC i/SC 2
  • C0 and C1 control codes

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ The screen display could be replaced by drawing the entire new screen'due south contents at the bottom, scrolling the previous screen up sufficiently to erase all the old text. The user would meet the scrolling, and the hardware cursor would be left at the very bottom. Some early on batch files accomplished rudimentary "full screen" displays in this way.
  2. ^ Typical colors that are used when booting PCs and leaving them in text mode, which used a 16-entry color tabular array. The colors are dissimilar in the EGA/VGA graphic modes.
  3. ^ Seen in Windows XP through Windows 8.1
  4. ^ Until PowerShell 6
  5. ^ Debug console, "Dark+" theme
  6. ^ Campbell theme, used as of Windows 10 version 1709. Likewise used by PowerShell 6.
  7. ^ For virtual terminals, from /etc/vtrgb.
  8. ^ On terminals based on CGA compatible hardware, such as ANSI.SYS running on DOS, this normal intensity foreground colour is rendered every bit Orange. CGA RGBI monitors contained hardware to modify the dark xanthous color to an orangish/brown colour past reducing the light-green component. Encounter this ansi art Archived 25 July 2011 at the Wayback Car as an example.

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b "Standard ECMA-48: Control Functions for Graphic symbol-Imaging I/O Devices" (PDF) (Second ed.). Ecma International. August 1979. Brief History.
  2. ^ Williams, Paul (2006). "Digital's Video Terminals". VT100.internet. Retrieved 17 August 2011.
  3. ^ Heathkit Visitor (1979). "Heathkit Catalog 1979". Heathkit Company. Archived from the original on 13 Jan 2012. Retrieved 4 November 2011.
  4. ^ "Withdrawn FIPS Listed by Number" (PDF). National Institute of Standards and Technology. 15 Dec 2016. Retrieved 2 January 2022.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j g l m n o p "Standard ECMA-48: Control Functions for Coded Character Sets" (PDF) (5th ed.). Ecma International. June 1991.
  6. ^ MITS (August 1975). "World'south Most Inexpensive Bones language system". Popular Electronics. Vol. 8, no. ii. Ziff Davis. p. 1.
  7. ^ Hogan, Thom; Iannamico, Mike (1981). Osborne 1 User's Guide. Osborne Computer Corporation. p. 350.
  8. ^ The Kaypro user'southward guide. Kaypro Corporation. 1984. p. 56.
  9. ^ System programmer'south guide for the TRS-eighty Model four/4P using Montezuma Micro CP/Thousand ii.2 (PDF). Montezuma Micro. 1985. p. 11.
  10. ^ "CP/M 2.two Transmission". Xerox 820 Information Processor. Xerox. 1981. p. 7.
  11. ^ Gilmour, Jean (1985). The PCW8256 and PCW8512 User Guide. AMSOFT. pp. 56, 139.
  12. ^ "Appendix—ANSI escape sequences". Z-89 Computer Organization Operation Manuals. Zenith Information Systems. 1981. p. 112.
  13. ^ SoftCard. Vol. i. Microsoft. 1980. pp. 18, 31, 32, 42.
  14. ^ Softcard—Software and hardware details (PDF). Microsoft. 1980. p. 15.
  15. ^ Mefford, Michael (7 Feb 1989). "ANSI.com: Download Information technology Here". PC Magazine . Retrieved 10 Baronial 2011.
  16. ^ Kegel, Dan; Auer, Eric (28 Feb 1999). "Nansi and NNansi – ANSI Drivers for MS-DOS". Dan Kegel'southward Web Hostel. Retrieved 10 Baronial 2011.
  17. ^ "PTS-DOS 2000 Pro User Manual" (PDF). Buggingen, Frg: Paragon Technology GmbH. 1999. Archived (PDF) from the original on 12 May 2018. Retrieved 12 May 2018.
  18. ^ Günther, Jens; Ernst, Tobias (25 April 2004) [1996]. Ellsässer, Wolfgang (ed.). "Inoffizielle deutschsprachige PTS-DOS-FAQ (PTS/FAQD)" [Inofficial German PTS-DOS FAQ] (in German). Retrieved ii October 2018.
  19. ^ CCI Multiuser DOS vii.22 Golden Online Documentation. Concurrent Controls, Inc. (CCI). 10 February 1997. Assistance.HLP.
  20. ^ Hood, Jason (2005). "Process ANSI escape sequences for Windows panel programs". Jason Hood'southward Home page. Retrieved 9 May 2013.
  21. ^ "colorama · PyPI". Python Package Alphabetize . Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  22. ^ bitcrazed. "Console Virtual Terminal Sequences - Windows Console". docs.microsoft.com . Retrieved thirty May 2018.
  23. ^ "PowerShell Help: About Special Characters".
  24. ^ "Windows Console and Terminal Ecosystem Roadmap". Microsoft. 2018. Retrieved 13 March 2021. this includes retiring the classic console host user interface from its default position in favor of Windows Terminal, ConPTY, and virtual terminal sequences.
  25. ^ "Printer and terminal escape codes". Concise Atari ST 68000 Programming Guide. Archived from the original on xx September 2016. Retrieved 22 June 2020.
  26. ^ "Amiga Printer Command Definitions". Commodore. Retrieved 10 July 2013.
  27. ^ "Escape Sequence - OpenVMS Wiki".
  28. ^ a b c d east f g h i j k l "Standard ECMA-35: Character Code Structure and Extension Techniques" (PDF) (6th ed.). Ecma International. 1994.
  29. ^ a b c d east f one thousand h i j k l m n o p Moy, Edward; Gildea, Stephen; Dickey, Thomas (2019). "XTerm Control Sequences (ctlseqs)". Invisible Island.
  30. ^ Frank da Cruz; Christine Gianone (1997). Using C-Kermit. Digital Printing. p. 278. ISBN978-ane-55558-164-0.
  31. ^ "SCOSC—Save Electric current Cursor Position". VT510 Video Terminal Programmer Information. DEC.
  32. ^ "DECSLRM—Set Left and Right Margins". VT510 Video Terminal Programmer Information. DEC.
  33. ^ "SCORC—Restore Saved Cursor Position". VT510 Video Terminal Programmer Information. December.
  34. ^ Moy, Edward; Gildea, Stephen; Dickey, Thomas. "XTerm Command Sequences". Functions using CSI, ordered by the final grapheme(south). Retrieved 4 February 2022.
  35. ^ Conrad Irwin (April 2013). "bracketed paste fashion". cirw.in.
  36. ^ Moy, Edward; Gildea, Stephen; Dickey, Thomas. "XTerm Control Sequences". Bracketed Paste Mode. Retrieved 4 February 2022.
  37. ^ "console_codes(4) - Linux transmission page". man7.org . Retrieved 23 March 2018.
  38. ^ a b "screen(HW)". SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 Manual. 11 February 2003.
  39. ^ "Bug 791596 – Thoughts about faint (SGR two)". bugzilla.gnome.org.
  40. ^ a b c "Curly and colored underlines (#6382) · Issues · George Nachman / iterm2". GitLab.
  41. ^ a b c "Extensions to the xterm protocol". kitty documentation . Retrieved 1 July 2020.
  42. ^ "panel-termio-realizer". jdebp.uk.
  43. ^ "console_codes(4)". Linux Developer's Manual. 5.10. Linux man-pages project.
  44. ^ a b "mintty/mintty: Text attributes and rendering". GitHub.
  45. ^ Changed from 0, 0, 205 in July 2004 "Patch #192 – 2004/7/12 – XFree86".
  46. ^ Changed from 0, 0, 255 in July 2004 "Patch #192 – 2004/7/12 – XFree86".
  47. ^ a b c "T.416 Information applied science - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Character content architectures".
  48. ^ "color-spaces.pl (a copy of 256colors2.pl from xterm dated 1999-07-11)". KDE. six December 2006. [ permanent expressionless link ]
  49. ^ "README.moreColors". KDE. 22 April 2010.
  50. ^ "libvte'south bug study and patches: Support for sixteen 1000000 colors". GNOME Bugzilla. 4 April 2014. Retrieved 5 June 2016.
  51. ^ a b "Problems #1429584 "gnome-terminal doesn't fix $COLORTERM from 3.14 on..." : Bugs : gnome-concluding package : Ubuntu". Launchpad. $COLORTERM should not exist necessary always. [...] COLORTERM'due south semantics accept nothing to practise with 256 color support per se, it was a mere coincidence that all terminals that set up this variable as well supported 256 colors.
  52. ^ "Midnight Commander: lib/tty/color-slang.c". Fossies.
  53. ^ a b Dickey, Thomas E. (2017). "NCURSES — comments on S-Lang". invisible-island.internet.
  54. ^ "Features/256 Color Terminals - Fedora Projection Wiki". Fedora Project. Archived from the original on 4 October 2012.
  55. ^ "Bug 733423 – Delight set COLORFGBG environment variable for automatic color detection". bugzilla.gnome.org.
  56. ^ a b Koblinger, Egmont. "Hyperlinks (a.k.a. HTML-like anchors) in last emulators". GitHub Gists.
  57. ^ "mintty/mintty: Command Sequences". GitHub.
  58. ^ "console_codes — Linux console escape and control sequences". Linux Programmer's Manual.
  59. ^ a b ISO-IR: ISO/IEC International Register of Coded Character Sets To Be Used With Escape Sequences (PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ.
  60. ^ ISO/TC 97/SC 2 (thirty December 1976). Reset to Initial State (RIS) (PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ. ISO-IR-35.
  61. ^ a b Digital. "DECSC—Relieve Cursor". VT510 Video Terminal Programmer Data.
  62. ^ a b ANSI Escape sequences - VT100 / VT52, archived from the original on 27 February 2009, retrieved 21 Baronial 2020
  63. ^ Digital. "DECSWL—Unmarried-Width, Single-Superlative Line". VT510 Video Terminal Programmer Information.
  64. ^ Digital. "DECDWL—Double-Width, Single-Height Line". VT510 Video Terminal Programmer Data.
  65. ^ "Chapter 9. Arrangement tips". debian.org.
  66. ^ "VT100.net: Digital VT100 User Guide". Retrieved 19 January 2015.
  67. ^ "bash – How to get a notification when my commands are done – Ask Unlike". Retrieved 19 January 2015.
  68. ^ Dickey, Thomas. "XTerm FAQ: Comparison versions, by counting controls". Invisible Island . Retrieved 25 January 2020.
  69. ^ Dickey, Thomas (2016). "Tabular array of function-keys for XTerm and other Last Emulators". Invisible Island . Retrieved 25 January 2020.

External links [edit]

  • Standard ECMA-48, Control Functions For Coded Character Sets. (5th edition, June 1991), European Figurer Manufacturers Association, Geneva 1991 (also published by ISO and IEC as standard ISO/IEC 6429)
  • vt100.net Dec Documents
  • "ANSI.SYS -- ansi last emulation escape sequences". Archived from the original on 6 February 2006. Retrieved 22 Feb 2007.
  • Xterm / Escape Sequences
  • AIXterm / Escape Sequences
  • A collection of escape sequences for terminals that are vaguely compliant with ECMA-48 and friends.
  • "ANSI Escape Sequences". Archived from the original on 25 May 2011.
  • ITU-T Rec. T.416 (03/93) Information technology – Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Character content architectures


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code

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