With a Spoon Again and Again


Aye, a knife would exist faster, but this was the only cutlery he could notice.

The Horribly Ho-hum Murderer With the Extremely Inefficient Weapon started as a parody trailer that pokes fun at the horror genre, particularly the "Torture Porn" movies like Saw and Hostel, which focused on, well, come across the championship. Information technology stars Paul Clemens every bit a human being who is all of a sudden attacked by a supernatural being (Brian Rohan) for a (possibly imagined) slight against the Powers That Be. This assault is made with a normal spoon, the bowl struck sharply confronting the target's body, and is seldom ceased. The victim is sent spiraling past the brink of insanity from the abiding flogging, and resorts to continually, and comedically, extreme lengths to get rid of his tormentor, all ending in failure, and in some cases fifty-fifty backfiring immensely.

After the immense success of the original parody trailer in October 2009, The Horribly Slow Murderer With the Extremely Inefficient Weapon (abbreviated HSMWEIW) has become a YouTube series, including an "Enquire Jack" featuring an interview with the victim, an interactive adventure which cannot be won, and a new mini-serial called "Ginosaji Vs. Ginosaji".

A real moving-picture show version, titled Ginosaji, is currently in pre-product. Here is the Kickstarter page for it. The campaign concluded with 155.71% funding notation That's $77,855 pledged of its $50,000 goal, but additional funding for the picture show can still be made through the Backerkit shop, which has currently made more than $7,000 every bit of March 2017. In February 2020, Gale appear that the picture show is currently on hold due to a myriad of family emergencies, but has reassured people that it will even so happen.

This work provides examples of:

  • All Just a Dream: Spoon Wars. Fifty-fifty in his dreams, Jack tin can't fight off the Ginosaji.
  • Alien Blood: The Ginosaji has blackness blood.
  • A Handful for an Middle: In Spoon Wars, Jack impales the Ginosaji with a lightsaber. The Ginosaji then spits a mouthful of blackness claret into Jack'south eyes, blinding him.
  • Awesome, but Impractical:
    • All the Ginosaji does to bring Jack into this misery is whacking him with a spoon; it does non utilize the spoon for whatsoever other methods of killing, such every bit cutting his heart/eyes out with a spoon. The crawly part is... care to explain?
    • The boring, slow, sloooow mental and concrete torture.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In all the videos so far.
  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: In this follow upward. It doesn't work out for Jack.
  • Large Bad: The Ginosaji, an evil spirit who torments Jack for some unexplained reason.
  • Big Eater: Jack, because the fat tissue makes for a lilliputian protection from the spoon blows, and considering he's developed an eating disorder for his torture..
  • Bilingual Bonus: The victim in the story is Jack Cucchiaio. The murderer is called the Ginosaji. "Cucchiaio" and "Gin no saji" are Italian and Japanese, respectively, for "spoon" and "silver spoon". The seal that appears in the video repeatedly also says spoon as the english language pronunciation (スプン, pronounced su-pu-n) in Japanese katakana. (It is not the native term for spoon, though.)
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: The Ginosaji has black blood and is filled with worms.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: At the end of the Kick Him in the Crotch interactive video, Jack's vomit repeatedly covers up the superimposed Try Over again paradigm. The narrator replaces the graphic each time, only for it to get covered in vomit again.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: By Ginosaji vs. Ginosaji, Jack'south state of affairs is then sad that it'south condign hard to discover information technology funny, culminating in him being dragged an indeterminate amount of miles by a motorcoach (while still being hit with a spoon) and then suffocated (while nonetheless existence hit with a spoon) to the point that he hallucinates about a "happy place," only to wake up in a full body cast (while still beingness hitting with a spoon). He attempts to kill himself past jumping off a edifice... which however fails. It's hard not to feel deplorable for him, fifty-fifty though his plight is Played for Laughs.
  • Cherry Borer: It's difficult to imagine a less effective and more humiliating fashion to impale somebody.
  • Roughshod and Unusual Decease: Jack will dice by being hit by a spoon... somewhen. Information technology'southward specially fell since the Ginosaji really prevents Jack from killing himself at unlike points in the trailer. Non only will the killer eventually impale Jack, he won't allow him whatsoever opportunity to cheat the Ginosaji of delivering the death blow.
  • Cut His Middle Out with a Spoon: Or being beaten to death by one. The story manages to explore how this can be Played for Laughs (it'south the epitome of Cool, just Inefficient) and Played for Horror (the spoon is wielded past an Implacable Man, so information technology doesn't matters how stupid it looks, death will happen, and it won't exist pretty. At i point Jack fifty-fifty tries to impale himself because information technology's the only manner he tin can see his torment ending — but the Ginosaji denies this to him).
  • Cut Telephone Lines: Spoofed; it takes a long fourth dimension when you attempt cutting it with a spoon, merely Jack tin't get through anyhow, because the police hang up once he mentions that his aggressor is simply hitting him with a spoon.
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: The Ginosaji does this to Jack, though replace "cuts" with "billions upon billions of whacks with a spoon". Worse? Jack starts airsickness actual blood after being hitting in the same spot a thousand times too many.
  • Determinator: The Ginosaji will non stop. Ever. The dark energies animating his body will not allow residual... neither for him, nor Jack.
  • Driven to Suicide: Jack tries to shoot himself at one point. The Ginosaji knocks the gun out of his manus...with a spoon.
  • Dual Wielding: In the sequel, Jack gets a spoon to fight against the swatter and he winds upwardly losing the spoon to him.
  • Epic Picture: "A major motion pic issue, twelve years in the making, filmed on five continents, with a running time of over 9 hours."
  • Even Evil Has Standards: At least to the extent that fifty-fifty the Ginosaji seems to visibly cringe when Jack saws through his own crotch. Not that it changed anything in the stop.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin can: The plot is Jack suffering an excruciatingly slow death by spoon over the course of years.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Jack decides to "become" a Ginosaji to stop the torment. It doesn't work. At all.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: All of Jack'southward attempts to escape his fate whether it be killing the Ginosaji, killing himself, or trying to trick the Ginosaji usually backfire horribly and only cause him more pain.
  • From Bad to Worse: The result of pretty much anything Jack tries to fight the Ginosaji.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Cluttered Rampage American Pictures.
  • Funny Spoon: Funny to the audience, that is. Not and so much for Jack.
  • Gone Horribly Incorrect: In "Relieve Jack: The Interactive Gamble", the "Wear Protective Clothing" pick backfires on Jack since the noise from his helmet beingness whacked with a spoon drives him to madness. It'southward and so horrible that he begs the Ginosaji to go back to beating the rest of his body. The Ginosaji, realizing the helmet chirapsia is more effective torture, ignores him and even puts the helmet back on Jack when he tries to take it off.
  • Groin Attack:
    • Inverted, every bit the Ginosaji throws the spoon at Jack, armed with a buzzsaw... and Jack winds upwardly cutting his ain testes off.
    • In "Save Jack: The Interactive Adventure", if the "Wear Protective Clothing" option is picked, the Ginosaji hits Jack in the groin earlier he can put on his cup. If the "Kicking him in the Crotch" selection is picked, information technology backfires horribly.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: It'due south never revealed why the Ginosaji has information technology in for Jack.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Hilariously averted in the follow-up video Spoon vs Spoon , in which Jack decides to attack the Ginosaji with its own weapon: a spoon. The Ginosaji but knocks it out of his manus, picks information technology up, and starts chirapsia him upwardly with both spoons.
  • Promise Spot:
    • At the stop of the original trailer, the spoon breaks and Jack looks relieved that his torment has finally ended, then the Ginosaji unzips his hoodie and reveals he has at least a dozen more spoons strapped to his chest.
    • In "Save Jack: The Interactive Take a chance", picking the Giant Magnet option volition atomic number 82 to this. The magnet actually works and stops the Ginosaji from using his spoons until he pulls out a wooden spoon. To Jack's dismay, being beaten with a big wooden spoon is even more painful than being hitting with a small-scale metal i. annotation Arguably, though, it's the all-time possible catastrophe, since it at least gives Jack a moment of hope and a break from the spoon. He fifty-fifty kisses the magnet after realizing that it temporarily stops the Ginosaji.
  • Humanoid Abomination: The Ginosaji, of grade. He's an Implacable Man with Alien Blood, apparently a different nervous arrangement (or at to the lowest degree i that allows him to shrug off groin strikes), and a Hammerspace armory of spoons, and the implication that he was sent to torture and kill Jack as some kind of curse makes him a parody of vengeful spirits like Sadako.
  • Immortal Assassin: The Ginosaji takes a knife to the throat, gunshots, and two explosions without any harm done.
  • Implacable Man: The Ginosaji takes a knife to the throat, gunshots, and two explosions without any harm done.
  • Informed Ability: Jack is supposedly a forensic pathologist, though we never get to meet him at work.
  • In the Hood: The Ginosaji sports a black hoodie.
  • Interactive Narrator: In "Save Jack: The Interactive Adventure", getting Jack to give the Ginosaji a hug requires some persistent encouragement from the narrator.
  • Karma Houdini: So far, the Ginosaji has avoided karmic retribution for his torture of Jack. Then again, it's implied that he is Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-Guided Karma beingness meted out against Jack — for what, nosotros have no idea.
  • Lodged-Bract Recycling: Subverted. Jack stabs the Ginosaji in the neck with a pocketknife. The Ginosaji pulls it out, points it at Jack... and discards it so he can keep using the spoon.
  • Long Title: Just read the title! Also a Gory Deadly Overkill Title of Fatal Death.
  • Mickey Mousing: Parodied during the first part of Spoon Wars. The music swells every time their weapons encounter... except the boxing starts dragging on and the music direction has nowhere to go.
  • Mundane Fabricated Awesome:
    • Jack arms himself with all types of guns to vanquish the spoon-wielding Ginosaji. The Ginosaji wins anyhow.
    • Another scene that would qualify is that when the Ginosaji's spoon finally breaks, he backs off for a moment, then ominously opens his hoodie to reveal that his shirt has a dozen more spoons hanging from it. The maker confirms that the Ginosaji has an space number of spoons hanging from it.
  • Neverending Terror: The Ginosaji attacks his victims with a blunt spoon. They typically die of terror and/or boredom when they realize that he but. Wont. Stop.
  • Oh, Crap!: The catastrophe of the original where Jack realizes the Ginosaji has dozens of dorsum-up spoons after the original breaks.
  • Once Is Not Enough: Jack shot the Ginosaji down. The Ginosaji simply continued to hitting Jack's hand with a spoon.
  • Out of the Inferno: The Ginosaji does this later Jack tried to accident him upward with a ton of TNT.
  • Overly Long Gag: The Ginosaji will striking you with a spoon again and again and again and again and again and once again and again and again and once more and again and over again and over again and once again and again and again and once more and once again and once more and again and over again and again and once more and again and again and again and again and once more and over again and again and again and once again and again and again and again and over again... Well, you lot get the motion picture.
    • The Interactive Take a chance too becomes this if you don't make a choice, as it has Jack being beaten with a spoon by the Ginosaji non-terminate while the narrator chides the viewer for non picking an option for Jack to endeavor and finish the Ginosaji.
  • Police Are Useless: Somewhat justified, as the movie suggests that Jack is never able to become any solid enough evidence for police assistance.
  • "Psycho" Shower Murder Parody: Except instead of being stabbed to death, information technology's being hitting with a spoon.
  • Real Trailer, Faux Movie: Though one could fence the trailer is the movie.
  • Scratch Impairment: The spoon is more than irritating than actually harmful, but over the form of 10 years, it does some serious damage.
  • Shout-Out: Psycho, complete with being Deliberately Monochrome.
  • The Irksome Walk: Subverted. The Ginosaji actually runs if Jack runs.
  • Stern Hunt: The Ginosaji and Jack equally trying to striking each other, with the latter usually declining and beingness harmed in the process.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works:
    • A rare instance where the villain uses this trope, though with a spoon, of course.
    • Twice; he used it again in Spoon Wars. And it was ballsy.
  • Too Dumb to Alive: In Ginosaji vs. Ginosaji, Jack tries to become a Ginosaji and become around hitting someone with a spoon. Equally he is non in fact a well-nigh-invulnerable demon like the real Ginosaji, it doesn't work out too well.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: The Ginosaji never stops.
  • Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Jack ends up traveling the milky way to notice something to kill the Ginosaji. He ends up finding a lightsaber. Information technology doesn't work. And it was All Just a Dream anyhow. Poor Jack.
  • What the Hell, Player?: If no pick is selected during "Salvage Jack: The Interactive Adventure", the narrator and Jack call out the viewers on enjoying Jack's torment when all they have to exercise to help him is to push a button. Not that it matters, since Failure Is the Only Selection.
  • The Worm That Walks: What the Ginosaji seems to be, if Kick Him In The Crotch is anything to go by.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: The Ginosaji has to kill Jack, meaning all his attempts to take himself out will fail.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebVideo/TheHorriblySlowMurdererWithTheExtremelyInefficientWeapon

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